A Monster lives in NY
'Paul Auster' [website] is my new favorite writer! After reading 'Leviathan' and 'City of Glass' written by Auster, I recommend his books.
He likes to begin his stories with strange accidents, for example in Leviathan explosion of an unidentified man is the beginning of the book and a writer who believes that the dead body belongs to his friend Sachs and begins to write about his life.
Leviathan (which is translated in Persian 'Hayoula' means Monster) has been published 1992 and is one of the brilliant stories I've ever read.
In City of Glass, an incorrect call in midnight is the base of adventures. The one, who is on the phone, is searching for a private detective named Paul Auster (!) but he has contacted with a writer whose name is Quinn. Quinn decides to introduce himself as Auster and save his client's life.
This story is the first part of The New York Trilogy (which continues with 'Ghosts' and 'The Locked Room') and has been written 1985.
Ofoq publication has published these books in Persian and I guess they have done it for the rest of Auster's books such as 'In the Country of Last Things' and 'Oracle Night' that I haven't read them yet.

Yes He is great.Last year I read his Moon Palace
which was excellent.