Coelho's eleven minutes

I don't like Paulo Coelho's books. I can not finish his books and stories. Reading 'The Alchemist' was so difficult and I finished it after 3 or 4 months, but 'Veronika Decides to Die' was more difficult! Because I never finished that book!
Some months ago his last book was published; 'Eleven Minutes'. This book's subject is about sex and therefore it's not allowed in Iran. One of my friends who live in US has written about this book and has published some parts of it in her weblog:

' ... We understand nothing. We think that sex and ejaculation are the same thing and, as you just said, they are not. We don't learn because we haven't got the courage to say to the woman: show me your body. We don't learn because the woman doesn't have the courage to say: this is what I like. We are stuck with our primitive survival instincts, and that's that. Absurd though it may seem, are vulnerable. They don't really know what they're doing, they only know what society, friends and women themselves have told them is important. Sex, sex, sex, that's the basis of life, scream the advertisements, other people, films, books. No-one knows what they're talking about. Since instinct is stronger than all of us, all they know is that it has to be done ...'

Have you read it or any other book by Coelho?

[Paulo Coelho's official website]

February 16, 2005 11:56 PM

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