A good cop never sleeps

'Insomnia' tells a story about a famous detective named Will Dormer - Al Pacino - who goes on a mission to Alaska, where never gets dark in this season of the year. He and his colleague - Hep - are sent there to arrest a murderer who has killed a seventeen year old girl. But in a foggy day, Will does a great mistake and kills Hep. He tries to hide this murder but the murderer has seen him killing the cop...

The movie - based on a successful same name Norwegian film - is directed by Christopher Nolan and produced by two famous Hollywood men; Steven Soderberg and George Clooney. No doubt, Insomnia is a shining and memorable film in recent years; attractive story and script, fantastic directing and great actors with high level performance.
Pacino's role - Dormer - can not sleep during the story. He thinks that the problem is sun that never sets, but somewhere in the middle of the story, Hilary Swank - who plays a young cop - remembers Dormer an important rule; 'A good cop never sleeps while the case is not solved...'
Dormer is a good cop who has lost his way.

I strongly suggest you to watch this great movie with Al Pacino, Robin Williams (oh, I forgot him. He's role is very strange for him!) And Hilary Swank (she's been nominated for best actress Oscar prize for Million Dollar Baby this year) and enjoy.

February 21, 2005 08:52 PM

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